The Responsible Man Project

We have many challenges in our life! There are a lot of things trying to distract us from the important people.

Let’s try to reclaim our life to actually make good use of it. This means taking ownership and stepping it up for our families. In short: We need to become the Man our Families need!

Own up!

We need to clean up our lives. We need to become responsible. We need to assess our situation and then make a plan to become the man we know we should be.

When I was speaking with my wife about this idea. Her first response was: That doesn’t sound like fun! I know it doesn’t! But we need to become responsible to have fun.

Fun is easy, we can all hang out and relax. The problem is life doesn’t work like that. We need to pay bills. We have to put food on the table. We have to take care of our family. This is not always going to be fun. Trust me I know.

Once we accept, that we need to be responsible it becomes easier. We can do what we need to do and then have fun!

Show up!

Why does it matter to be responsible? Because we want to show up! We want to spend time with our family. That is why we have them right? This should be a pretty good motivator.

Just the other day I spoke with my dad. He said he didn’t have the opportunity to work from home. He had to go to work. I appreciate that a lot more today, then back then maybe. He had to be responsible.

He gave me food and provided for us. He gave me a lot of opportunities. It is for what he did – that I can built on top of now.

Today we have new opportunities. We can start taking advantage of those. That is why this matters. We can change what we do.

My dad went to work. He provided. So that he could show up. He took us on vacations and showed up.

We want to spend more time with our family. We have opportunities to work online and remote. We can build a business. All that takes responsibility to do so. Those opportunities won’t happen over night and not without the work it requires.

Let’s start putting in the effort, that we can show up for our families! That is why we do what we do!

Step up!

How can we put in the effort? We need to step it up! We need to start playing the big boys game.

The big boys play in businesses. They don’t just work a job. They work a business. So a big part of our steps is to start a business.

The business will give us the money, time and energy that we want to spend with our family. A business is the vehicle that allows us to spend our resources in a way that we can own.

First: We need to become a good Stewards!

We have been given many resources: Time, Money and Energy. Now it is time to put them to work. It is not wise to overspend on tasks that don’t matter. So we need to become a good steward of them. To guard them and spend them wisely.

Second: We need to become a Man!

This has to do with our character and person. We need to become a Man that is good for a Wife, Family and Business.

That includes learning and developing skills. The better our skill is – the better we will be as a steward of our resources. Skills will give us leverage to make more use of our resources.

Becoming a Man also means to take care of ourselves. Not just learn and grow, but also take care of our Body, Mind and Soul.

Third: We need to become a Leader of our Family!

A good leader knows where to go and is watching out for his pack. The leader will see opportunities and takes care of the needs of his own. This means understanding priorities, trusting his judgement and making decisions accordingly.

One who doesn’t make a decision, will need to deal with the decisions of others.

One who doesn’t plan, will plan for failure.

We need to learn to set goals and work towards them. We need to see the needs of those around us and put them in the right place. We can’t just run everywhere and do everything. We need to start making decisions.

Fourth: We need to become an Entrepreneur!

In order for us to make the decisions and live a life with the right priorities – We should start a business. This is the fourth step, because I think it is important, but it is not a necessity.

There are many opportunities out there that allow us to start a business. The barrier of entry is lower than ever. The internet provides us with an international market place.

With a business we can buy back our time – or rather take ownership of our future time. Since past time is gone. The business will allow us to have more freedom to provide for our families – while also having more time to show up!

Join me on this Journey!

I’m not saying I have this all figured out. I have tried many things and I feel like I’m on a good path. There are still a few things that I want to test my hypothesis. Over the next weeks I will share my ideas, my No BS Guides and share the results I’m getting from the actions I am taking.

My Motivation

My Motivation is to become a good leader for my family. That I can provide for my Wife and Son. Teach my Son as he grows up. In order for me to do so, I need to own up, step up to show up.

I need to do what I speak and that is why I’m here. I want to document my own journey and help others on theirs. So that my Son can observe me helping others and providing for my family. That he can learn from me and I can be his teacher.

Who am I?

I’m Jowi, I come from Germany. I am married and we have one son. I have been working on starting a business for the last 5 years already – Most of the time only part time. Since November I am able to build the business full time.

My professional background is in the great Outdoors: I have a Bachelors Degree in Forestry and a Masters Degree in Agriculture. The focus of my study has been environmental education – Basically: How to make Nature fun!

If I can help you on your journey, please feel free to reach out on Twitter. I’m excited to help you on your journey to becoming responsible and taking action!

First: We need to become a good Stewards!

  • Time Management
  • Personal Finance
  • Energy Management

Second: We need to become a Man!

  • Take care of: Body, Mind and Soul.
  • Skills: Softskills & House Skills and Hard skills
  • Character

Third: We need to become a Leader of our Family!

  • Prioritizing
  • Decision Making
  • Goal Setting
  • Leadership

Fourth: We need to become an Entrepreneur!

  • Build a business
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Community Building
  • Newsletter

The Journey of 1.000 Days to become a Productive Man.

This journey will be in 10 Stages each with 100 Days. This way we can keep track. We can learn and grow with each step. We can achieve the goals. It is time to grow.

On this journey we will make use of some tools and principles. Those will help us to actually get where we want to go.

The principles are:

  • the law of 100
    • Do something for 100 times and you will get good. Quantity → Quality
  • the 12 week year
    • Break down your goals into smaller deadlines. We use 100 Days because it is more real. We are used to days going by.
  • the compound effect
    • Our small steps over 1.000 days will compound. An Action for 1 hour per day, done over 1.000 repetitions will be compounding for you. You will gain so much leverage.
  • we start with atomic habits
    • If we start with all the actions we could possibly do, we would get overwhelmed and stop. So that is why we start small and let the habits grow.

Slowly over time we will actually make use of all of these principles to really gain the most effect. We will gain leverage by the actions we take. If we take the right actions often enough we will also get better. We will get practice. Then we become an expert over time.

What can I do for you?

If you want to set out to become a responsible Man – You can use my system. Just sign up for my Newsletter. You will get all my new Steps delivered to your inbox!

Gandalf, the Guide:

Feeling stuck, overwhelmed and you don’t know where to start? I will help you gain clarity and help you set the right goals. This will give you a boost to get structured and start.

How I can help you specifically:

  • I can help you set personal goals
  • I can help you find clarity in your business situations
  • I can help you win back your time with your business
  • I can help you get focused on the important things

Sam, the Sidekick:

You are running a business and don’t know where you head is? You are running so busy, that you can’t catch a break? Let me help you by becoming your digital business manager. I will be your right hand to help you gain more time and still grow your business.

The offers will be more specifically tailored to your needs.

How I can help you:

  • YouTube Account Management
    • Effective Video Editing
    • Thumbnail Design
    • Video Hitlist Creation
    • Content Repurposing and Planing for other Platforms
  • Project Management
    • Digital Product Design & Development
    • Funnel Development incl. Freebie Design
    • Newsletter Setup & Writing
  • System Management
    • Creating Systems to automate your business
    • Digitalize your Business to speed up the process

Founders, the Fellowship:

You have always thought of starting a business, but haven’t done so yet? You have been talking about it and have so many ideas, but don’t know where to start? The Founders Fellowship is our Mastermind Group. Where we get a group of Beginning Entrepreneurs together to grow together. There are many benefits to starting of with a group:

  • You will gain access to the live Webinars with the group (We talk about real businesses)
  • You will have a What’sApp group for chatting with others directly.
  • You will be able to get Feedback in real time.
  • You will have accountability.
  • We work together instead of everybody for themselves.

Join the Iron Guild – where Iron sharpens Iron

There are many communities out there, but many just talk loud and turn you into a show off. We don’t tell you to do affiliate marketing. You will be guided through the 1.000 Day Responsible Man Project. This community is for you, when you are looking to connect with others and need some more push to keep on task. The concept is the same from the Newsletter, just with more assistants from the community.

Right now I’m still building the waiting list. If you want to be beyond the first to gain access to the Iron Guild then sign up for the waiting list! I will make sure that you will be informed immediately when we launch!